Hoary Array 3 - Grub loader fails with "GRUB Loading stage1.5"

Herbert Straub herbert at linuxhacker.at
Thu Feb 3 22:03:58 UTC 2005

Byron Poland wrote:

>I came across this too.  Very annoying.  I got around it by booting
>the Warty install disk, doing expert mode, mounting my new root,
>chrooting to it, and installing grub from there.  Read back a few and
>you'll see a few notes on this under a subject like Hoary o AMD64 with
>SATA or something like that.
Thank you, i found
with "linux noexec=off".  If i boot with the option noexec=off then the 
command grub-install /dev/hda writes the same output, but the following 
reboot is OK.

Best Regards
Herbert Straub

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