Ubuntu installer

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Thu Feb 3 00:56:23 UTC 2005

> Ubuntu is the only OS I know of that has an answer to that problem...
> They will send you a pre burnt CD for Free! :-)

And, also, sending free CD's, or making your own, doesn't solve the
ecology side of things ! It requires material and energy to make them
and transport them, then you bin them after a while, makes the dump yard
fill quicker. Downloading it I think is zillions of time more
ecological ! :o)
With broadband becoming cheaper and faster, soon, we will all have a
20Mbps link minimum and we will then be able to install from the network
directly. Only the people living outside cities hence without broadband,
should be allowed to order a free CD  ! ;o)


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