Removing Open Office Without Removing the Ubuntu Desktop?

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at
Wed Feb 2 07:30:44 UTC 2005

 --- Stephen Ryan <taketwoaspirin at> skrev: 
> On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 17:35:46 +0100 (CET), Brian
> Durant
> <linuxnewbiedk at> wrote:
> > I have installed StarOffice 7 and would like to
> remove
> > Open Office as the two don't work together. I get
> the
> > following message when I start up OO: "Either
> another
> > instance of Open Office is installed or your
> > preferences are locked...inconsistencies, yada,
> yada,
> > yada." When I try to remove Open Office, Ubuntu
> > Desktop goes too. When I try to reinstall Ubuntu
> > Desktop, I have to install Open Office as well.
> Any
> > ideas how I can keep Ubuntu Desktop but get rid of
> OO?
> "Ubuntu Desktop" is a metapackage, designed to make
> installation and
> upgrades easier.  You can safely remove it without
> affecting the
> functioning of your system in any way.
> Alternatively, you could investigate the "equivs"
> package, which is a
> bit more work than just letting the metapackage go,
> but is designed
> for this circumstance; the idea is that equivs lets
> you tell the
> packaging system that you have installed a
> functional equivalent for
> OO by another means, and it should stop bothering
> you about it.  Once
> you have the equivs-generated dummy OO package
> installed, you can
> reinstall the ubuntu desktop package.

Sounds good. Anywhere I can get more info about how to
generate an equivalent dummy packeage? Newbie alert



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