Ubuntu installer

Vincent Trouilliez vincent.trouilliez at modulonet.fr
Wed Feb 2 06:26:08 UTC 2005

> > Wooops, what about my original idea, installing from the ISO downloaded
> > on the hardrive, it's even better that CD RW : download...install ! :o)
> > How should I proceed to do that then ?
> > And if it's not possible, please implement it for Hoary ! :-)
> It is possible, but it is not straightforward.
>  - mdz

So would be great to make a "HowTo" page about it ! :o)
Woud be even greater to make it simple, like Mandrake does (I don't like
Mdk but I like to give credit where it's due...), for Hoary ! :o)


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