Removing Open Office Without Removing the Ubuntu Desktop?
Peter Andersson
pitr.andersson at
Tue Feb 1 17:09:51 UTC 2005
ubuntu-desktop is a meta package to install the main desktop
applications. If you remove any of those applications the meta package
will also be removed. Removing the meta package has no real effect on
your system, so just remove openoffice and don't worry about
ubuntu-desktop being removed.
On Tue, 1 Feb 2005 17:35:46 +0100 (CET), Brian Durant
<linuxnewbiedk at> wrote:
> I have installed StarOffice 7 and would like to remove
> Open Office as the two don't work together. I get the
> following message when I start up OO: "Either another
> instance of Open Office is installed or your
> preferences are locked...inconsistencies, yada, yada,
> yada." When I try to remove Open Office, Ubuntu
> Desktop goes too. When I try to reinstall Ubuntu
> Desktop, I have to install Open Office as well. Any
> ideas how I can keep Ubuntu Desktop but get rid of OO?
> Cheers,
> Brian
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