mnt vfat Newbie Question.

Brian Durant linuxnewbiedk at
Tue Feb 1 16:30:21 UTC 2005

 --- Buffalo Soldier <ulist at>
> Brian Durant Wrote: 
> > In doing some reading on the subject, I understand
> that it is possible
> > for me to do the following instead and get a
> desktop icon for my Fat32
> > drive on the desktop.
> This is what I used in fstab
> Code:
> --------------------
>     /dev/hda1       /media/winxp    ntfs   
> umask=0222      0       0
> --------------------
> If I'm not mistaken, any drive mounted in */media*
> will automatically
> give you an icon on the desktop.

So do you create a */media/* mount point? How do you
do that? The same way as you create a mount point?
What does the umask=0222 do compared to umask=000?



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