Hoary upgrade

Baza baza at themauvezone.fsnet.co.uk
Tue Feb 1 02:24:08 UTC 2005

On 1/2/05 2:17 am, "martin dougherty" <smartinibob at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Ya know ,I have Worty installed and it works great for
> me . What does'nt work great is the multimedia
> software or lack of . I want to leave windos  but
> until the multimedia catches up I will continue to use
> the best of both .
> Maybe someone out there can direct me to a source for
> multimedia that work with Worty .
> Thanks
> Monty

What is it you need? I've got Java, Flash, DVD (plays encrypted), CD
burning, photo editing. I got all this sorted with Warty and it still works
fine with the very sexy looking, Hoary.

Mail me off list if you want


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