X11R6.9/7 for breezy

Zoltan Szecsei zoltans at geograph.co.za
Sat Dec 31 19:50:15 UTC 2005

Vincent Trouilliez wrote:
>>... and what I'm now keen to find out is, is dapper actually going to use 
>>the 6.9/7 xorg version, or is it already frozen at the 6.8.2-77 version, 
>>which is on the flight 2 iso?
> Dunno, time will tell eventually ! ;-)
> If you are in hurry, might be worth dropping Daniel Stone a mail
> (daniel.stone at ubuntu dot com) . 
> He is the man behind anything Xorg for Ubuntu... if he doesn't know...
> nobody else will ! ;-)
> --
> Vince
Cool - I'll politely pester him later.......



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