X11R6.9/7 for breezy

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Sat Dec 31 00:19:29 UTC 2005

On 12/30/05, Zoltan Szecsei <zoltans at geograph.co.za> wrote:
> Drat! - I was hoping to get to use the stuff by circa early February
> Oh well, if life didn't have its little challenges, imagine how
> lethargic & complacent we'd all be.
There is nothing stopping you either upgrading to the currently buggy Dapper...
or you could even compile it on you're own.
Just don't expect much support, Dapper is mostly pre-alpha at this stage.. :-P

> Thanks for your input...
> Z
Any time friend :-)

Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
"Gratitude can be poisonous; it forces you to be beneath me and me to
be superior instead of equals." - Chelsea Quinn Yarbro, States of

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