Dual Boot Problem

Larry Grover lgrover at zoominternet.net
Fri Dec 30 13:10:04 UTC 2005

Tim Frost wrote:
> On Thu, 2005-12-29 at 21:26 -0800, James Diehl wrote:
>>I don't know Joyce!  
>>Windows NTFS messed up files in my Ubuntu, and Windows wouldn't run &
>>crashed after I ran Ubuntu! I don't know, and I 'm not sure that I
>>care!  My Ubuntu is running fine on that system now, and the Windows
>>program started running fine on another!  I think I'll get some Holy
>>Water and some candles.  Maybe hang a little cross on the monitor!  It
>>couldn't hurt!
> I suspect that your original Windows install had a special partition.
> You mention "SMART" which is a Compaq technology, which involves a
> special recovery partition.  If the Ubuntu install tampered with that,
> then I can understand Windows being unhappy.

SMART is also a self-monitoring technology that many (most? all?) modern 
hard drives come with.


A boot up message about the drive failing a SMART test may have 
indicated that the drive had serious errors and was failing.  A failing 
hard drive could prevent the operating system, windows or linux, from 
booting, or if it did boot, cause the system to hang or crash.


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