Mac On Linux

Peter Garrett peter.garrett at
Fri Dec 30 03:57:00 UTC 2005

On Fri, 30 Dec 2005 06:38:08 +1100
Peter Gort <pgort at> wrote:

> One thing that puzzles me and  
> may be a clue, is that the web page above (which is no longer found  
> as of this morning?) lists the kernel module's file name as mol.o  
> where the file I have and the MacOnLinuxHowTo page has the file name  
> as mol.ko

I think this is a 2.4.*  kernel vs. 2.6.* kernel thing - the .ko suffix is
used with 2.6.*  kernel modules. Also AFAIK you don't use the suffix when
doing a modprobe / insmod.

Someone please correct me if that's wrong ;)

The page I linked (the Monash one) is quite old. I just found some of the
hints there helpful.

Unix is hard to learn. The process of learning it is one of multiple small
epiphanies. -- Neal Stephenson

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