
James Diehl jms_diehl at
Thu Dec 29 18:55:15 UTC 2005

I downloaded the database into the files necessary, but when I try to access them through my Office database project program,  it will lead me to the installed base, allow me to open the files and display any text documents.  When I try to run queries, make tables or forms, it says "Cannot access the database, database will initiate, the database drivers are possibly defective."  Then the program returns to the original page, asking me if I want to create a new database, or connect to an external base located on my network.  It's like, "Okay, I know it's there, but NO you can't use it, it's defective, now you have no choice but make one yourself."  I don't hardly think all of Oracles' drivers are bad, DUH!  So, either Open Office 2.0 has a problem, or there is a support issue with my Ubuntu for Oracle bases. 

'Forum Post <ulist at>, ' wrote: 

Your question is a little unclear.  Are you having problems getting
the Oracle database installed or are you having a problem with oobase2
running the setup wizard to connect to your Oracle database?


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