Ease of some Installations of Software

James Diehl jms_diehl at sbcglobal.net
Thu Dec 29 16:42:02 UTC 2005

 Did you install the Real Player 8 in the synaptic pkg. mgr.?  I tried to install that one, and got an error message about bugs in it!  If you go to Firefox Central, you can download a copy of RealPlayer 10 Gold out of the plug-ins/add-ons page.  Download it to Desktop, open it and run the installer.  I've had trouble trying to run it a couple of times, but eventually got it!  It works great!  If it doesn't run for you the first time, keep trying!  Your Ubuntu system mgr. will tell you that it can't open/install/run it, but don't give up!
 Diehl, James

Wade Smart <wade at wadesmart.com> wrote: 12292005 0958 GMT-5

I just wanted to post my thoughts this morning after installing some 

I had read the thread on the 3dDesktop and thought, 'Thought would be 
interesting.' So, i just opened Synaptic, installed it, typed 3ddesktop 
in my run app widget and - wal-la - it works!

Im still amazed at how easily some things work and yet, I still cant get 
Real Player to work or mplayer to play online videos without being choppy.

I have to say, my move from windows was a bit nerve wracking because I 
thought, I might not ever feel totally comfortable but, Ubuntu has 
really been a good shock.


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