web based Ubuntu and Kubuntu. How does it sound?

Mauricio Hernandez Z. mhz.chile at gmail.com
Thu Dec 29 03:44:19 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-12-28 at 19:24 -0800, sahutoglu sonmez wrote:
>  Hello Ubuntu users,
> I am not sure it this is a good idea. But just to see what other
> people think about it. Here it is. I just check the website
> http://www.workspot.com/
> You can use linux in your browser. I really liked it. It would be nice
> if I could use Ubuntu and Kubuntu like that. it would be better if it
> is the latest development release. That is Dapperta this point. That
> way we can follow the development and get to use it anywhere we want.
> And it will be easier for people to give it a try. 
> On the other hand I don't know what that means financially for
> canonical.
> What do you think?

I think, IMHO, it is not bad idea at all, esp. to show off or when you
need a handy OS.

However, Java runtime is a requirement and it may not be good for host


Mauricio Hernandez Z.

Edubuntu Chile
irc.freenode.net | #edubuntu #edubuntu-es

ID #287183

[I dream of things that never were and say 'Why Not?']

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