Has Ubuntu Replaced Windows on Your Box?
'Forum Post
ulist at gs1.ubuntuforums.org
Wed Dec 28 22:26:42 UTC 2005
I am now completely Windows free. The last sticking point was a surgical
logbook which ran on Access. Crossover Office completely resolved that
issue, and is probably the best piece of software I have encountered.
Warty was my first linux install (chosen because I has a coverdisc with
LinuxFormat magazine). I thought it would be worth a run out before
going with Suse. Needless to say, I have stuck with Ubuntu with each of
the successive updates. The improvements with each release have been
remarkable, and the help from this forum invaluable.
A post-Christmas laptop purchase is on the cards and it will be bought
OS free. No windows install will occur. Crossover office will provide
some functional Access and Powerpoint usage (for proofreading
Openoffice presentations, I got embarressed by MacOffice on one
occasion for resons I can't explain).
Lyx and pybliographer are close runners up to crossover office for best
software nomination and complete my computer requirements.
All in all Linux rocks, and Ubuntu goes all the way up to eleven.
alastair lewis
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