FW: Upgrading

Patrick Newberry PNewberry at habitat.org
Wed Dec 28 16:03:54 UTC 2005

I currently have the desk top release 5.4 and am thinking up going to

I would like to install the server version since, I would like to use
apache, php and mysql for my studies. I also have zope installed which I
notice comes with 5.10 server version. 

But I also like some of the desk top apps as well. I mean I still need
to check my email, surf the web etc. 

So if I install the server version, what desk top apps do I get (open
office etc?)

Or is it much easier to install the desk top version (5.10) and then use
apt-get to install the server items I need, like apache, php, mysql and

Or can you specify both. 

I was thinking that a fresh install would be easier than an upgrade. 

Also one other note: I'm on a very slow dial up for the install so I
need to do as much from the cd as I can.


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