Ubuntu 5.10 minumum requirements

Tom Hines tomhines at gmail.com
Tue Dec 27 23:03:46 UTC 2005

Hello.  I tried to liberate my sister from Windows last weekend.  She
has an Intel Celeron 500 mhz, 128 mb ram.  To see if she had enough
horsepower, I tried to boot Ubuntu 5.10 Live CD., but it failed.  It
just took forever and I finally gave up.  I concluded that she didn't
have enough memory.

The 5.10 release notes say that 128 mb is enough.  Is that true?  Does
Live CD require more than that?  I'm reluctant to install it until I
see Live CD running on it.  Is anybody running 5.10 with 128 mb ram?

Tom Hines

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