Keyboard repeates characters & wrong system clock

Nigel Rowe gmane.fisheggs at
Sun Dec 25 12:34:14 UTC 2005

Philip Axer wrote:

> Hi,
> I have a Asus A8N Mainboard Dual Core X2 3800+ with the following kernel:
> Linux philip 2.6.12-10-amd64-k8-smp #1 SMP Fri Nov 18 12:20:27 UTC 2005
> x86_64 GNU/Linux
> Two problems have occured:
> The minor prob is that after some hours the system clock lives in the
> near future! (up to some hours)
> Sync with a ntp helps for short time.

I've seen something like this, on AMD64_X2, system clock relativly stable
for a while, then suddenly starts gaining time (ie 5-10 mins per hour. 
There's another problem with clock gaining 1 hour per hour, dunno what the
fix is for that one).

There's a message in /var/log/messages about "Many lost ticks" (can't
remember it exactly).

If this is what you've got, add "notsc" to the boot options.  Worked for me.

> The major problem is that my keyboard repeats the pressed charactes
> suddenly! This isn't X fault, the error occurs on the other virtual
> consols either! This is very ugly and occurs only when the system runs
> some hours.
> "This is an exampppppple text with repeattttttttttted characters. You
> can see that this behaviour makes it neaaaaaaaaaaarly impossible to use
> the computer!"
> I think the time and keyboard problem are related in a strange way.
> Hoppppppppppefully somebody can help!

I didn't see this, but if the clock timing is stuffed up, it *may* be

> Philip

        Nigel Rowe
        A pox upon the spammers that make me write my address like..
                rho (snail) swiftdsl (stop) com (stop) au

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