change keyboard layouts through command line

Tom Marshall tommy at
Sat Dec 24 19:10:10 UTC 2005

>    Dear Tom,
>    Thanks for kind reply

You are certainly welcome.  :)

>    I've prepared this page:
>    [1]
>    and now would like to do the whole thing mentioned in this guide
>    through command line, can you please help more ?

I'm afraid you will need to do some experimentation to find the proper
commandline.  You can start with this:

  setxkbmap -layout ir -option grp:alts_toggle

The file /etc/X11/xkb/rules/base.lst has very useful information, though I'm
afraid it is not easy to understand.

Also try searching on for more information.  Surely someone has
posted a web page with the settings you seek.

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