OT: Mysql

Asif Lodhi asif.lodhi at gmail.com
Sat Dec 24 02:55:12 UTC 2005

Hi Charles,

Charles Yao <ccyao at greenleecp.com> wrote:

>Message: 3
>Date: Fri, 23 Dec 2005 13:44:37 +0800
>From: Charles Yao <ccyao at greenleecp.com>
>Subject: OT: Mysql
>Can you guys recommend any books on how to use mysql? Im trying to make a
>database for my company.
If data manipulation is your interest then you can learn a (free & 
interactively!) lot about SQL from these websites:


IMO, the best source of database management specific to MySQL is the 
http://www.mysql.com website itself as you'll find _all_ the 
[downloadable] documentation here.

Merry Christmas,


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