Cannot access a samba share

Bahya NASSR EDDINE bahya_nassr at
Thu Dec 22 10:44:13 UTC 2005

Hello there,

I instlled captive on a ubuntu hoary that contains a
samba share.
When I mount, using captive-ntfs, the partition that
contains the samba share, I can't access it any more.
The situation at present is as follows:
- prepmod command does not return any error
- I can't mount the captive-ntfs patition. "mount -t
captive-ntfs /dev/sda6 /samba_share" returns the
        - mount.captive-ntfs: /dev/sda6 already
        - mount.captive-ntfs: according to mtab,
/dev/sda6 is mounted on /samba_share
        - mount.captive-ntfs: Use '-o force' to mount
the image notwithstanding.
- I use the "-o force" option (mount -o force -t
captive-ntfs /dev/sda6 /samba_share). It succeeds but
I can't access the network share any more!

Would you please have any idea about what is going

Best regards


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