Ubuntu is under attack

Mike Bird mgb-ubuntu at yosemite.net
Thu Dec 22 06:31:38 UTC 2005

On Wed, 2005-12-21 at 21:45, Michael Richter wrote:
> I'm curious: are vituperative rants and personal attacks
> the norm for this mailing list?  If so, perhaps I should
> reconsider my subscription.

On Wed, 2005-12-21 at 22:07, Michael Richter wrote:
> Arguably the largest ISP in the world (and very certainly in the top
> ten) -- China Netcom -- doesn't provide native ISP email at all. 
> Almost all of its subscribers interact by email solely through
> webmail.  Conclusion?  Your experiences in owning a "small ISP" don't
> mean a damned thing.

If you mean to imply that China Netcom blocks port 25, what
relevance does that have to local delivery of system messages?

--Mike Bird

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