ubuntu on homebuilt box

taeb taeb at netins.net
Thu Dec 22 04:56:08 UTC 2005

On Wed, Dec 21, 2005 at 07:48:35PM -0500, Todd Slater wrote:
> Hi tonyB,
> Yes, I installed Ubuntu on the SATA drive. Everything was new on the
> box, I added the IDE drive from an old computer after the fact. I
> didn't have to do anything special to get it working. I actually
> installed Windows first (daughter--games), then the Ubuntu installer
> saw the partitions and free space and I went ahead with the
> partitioning.

That sounds pretty good.  I won't have Windows, but presumably that
won't be a problem ... unless the disk needs to be formatted in some way
beforehand.  I'm guessing no; do you know?

> I'm not anti-Intel, but it seems you might get more bang for your buck
> with AMD; I wouldn't say one is "safer" than the other, just
> different.

And I didn't mean anything against AMD.  Seems like a LOT of people are
going with their 64-bit processors.  I've already bought the cpu,
however, so ...  :)

> So far so good, just trying to figure out how to rip DVD's and combine
> a bunch of VCD's to one DVD. I really like it, no comparison to the
> old k62-500.

Sounds great!  Thanks very much for the info, Todd.


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