Breezy borked postfix (seriously!)

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at
Thu Dec 22 04:11:19 UTC 2005

David wrote:
> First.. this has nothing to do with the flame war going on (although it 
> seems that it was me who started it ;-)
> Hoary/postfix worked great for local mail delivery. After upgrade to 
> Breezy, postfix seems to have got reconfigured (not removed) so that it 
> silently queues all email. 
> /var/log/mail.err says:
> Dec 22 13:41:50 localhost postfix/master[15812]: fatal: 
> /etc/postfix/ line 84: bad hostname or network address: ::1:smtp
> /etc/postfix/ says:
> inet n   -       -       -       -       smtpd
> ::1:smtp       inet n   -       -       -       -       smtpd
> /etc/postfix/ says:
> mynetworks =
> myhostname =
> david at test:~ $ cat /etc/hostname
> test
> david at test:~ $ cat /etc/resolv.conf
> search
> I have no idea where the line 
> ::1:smtp       inet n   -       -       -       -       smtpd
> in comes from, but by commenting it out and restarting postfix, 
> all my queued mail was instantly delivered, so that must be the culprit.
> Can anyone suggest what I've done wrong?

You disabled ipv6 support :-)

::1 is 'localhost' in ipv6 format. Do you have an entry like:

"::1     ip6-localhost ip6-loopback"

in /etc/hosts?

By not loading the ipv6 module, postfix can't listen on that address,
and thus fails. Commenting it out like you say you did is a safe solution.

- P.

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