aMule : makes computer hang after a few hours ??

Colin Brace cb at
Wed Dec 21 21:21:56 UTC 2005

On 12/21/05, Vincent Trouilliez <vincent.trouilliez at> wrote:

Problem: when I go in the "servers" tab, I can see a long list of
> servers. They all appear disconnected. Do you know how to connect to
> them all at once ?? I mean, I can't find a "connect all" button
> anywhere

In the eD2k network (unlike, say OpenNap), you only connect to one
server at a time, but this is not a meaningful constraint. On the
search panel, there is an option for a "local" or "global" search. The
first searches clients on such the server you are connected to; for
the second, the server you are connected to will pass your query on to
all the other active servers. Hence this type of query usually takes a
few minutes. Local searches are usually sufficient for most files;
global searches are good for obscure files only one or two users may

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