How to _DISABLE_ Bonobo Activation FrameWork, SSH Agent, GNome Keyring Daemon and Mapping Daemon FOR GOOD

Scott J. Henson scotth at
Wed Dec 21 20:57:55 UTC 2005

Asif Lodhi wrote:

> Hi,
> I want to _disable_ the following services for good - they should 
> never activate again:
>                Bonobo Activation FrameWork
>                SSH Agent
>                GNome KeyRing Daemon
>                Mapping Daemon

All of these services are small and really don't take any resources.  
The bonobo activation framework is how gnome apps communicate amoungst 
themselves and is really a needed service.  As for ssh agent and gnome 
keyring daemon.  They both store passwords and they are not used unless 
you make an active descision to use them(ssh-add and gnome-keyring).  As 
a result both of them sleep and are swaped out for most of their life 
time.  The mapping daemon seems to be a function of nautilus and its cd 
burning support.  So really, nothing is listening to the network and 
none of them are opening up to anyone to crack your computer.  Also, if 
you aren't using them they will be asleep and swapped out so it doesn't 
keep you from doing your work. 

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