X server Error

David papabeardk at comporium.net
Wed Dec 21 19:49:49 UTC 2005

Thanks to all who responded. I got it working.
I googled while waiting for replies and the combination of what the list 
responded, and the google info,  got me where I needed.

I could not use gedit, so
used   sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf

Changed the driver on monitor from "ATI" to "vesa"

It opened right up. I will probably be asking more questions as I learn 
more about ubuntu. I know I will not have answers for a while. Thanks 
for being out there when us new folks need ya.

Off to google some more

Ed Fletcher wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> David wrote:
> | Thanks for the reply,
> | I tried to get the command below to run, did not work, "command not
> | found". I think I did figure out the sudo part, and using cd found the
> | etc folder, but did not find the X11 folder. Of course I tried to 
> run it
> | straight before tryng to find the folders.
> |
> | Also, is commenting it out similar to DOS with the  REM command?
> |
> | David

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