installing RPM's

René list.account at
Wed Dec 21 19:20:47 UTC 2005

> Am 21.12.2005, 19:43 Uhr, schrieb girish nair <girishvnair at>:

> i tried to install rpm's of xine player and xmms with the following  
> commands
> 1) alien -i xmms
> 2) alien -i xine-lib
>     alien -i xine
>     alien -i xine-skins
> Although the programs got installed i cant run them.Wen  i executed  the
> commands associated with applications it is giving a message that
>  no such file for xine and similiar information for xmms too
> So i checked for this library files in synaptic manager and found that  
> they are already installed. but there is a lil difference in the names.

hello Girish
how did you get the idea to install rpm's? if not for a 'great' purpose, i  
would not attempt to invite difficulties by that. xine (xine-ui) and xmms  
are found in the (standard?) repositories of Ubtuntu. okay, where to find  
xine-skins i do not know myself. and i guess xine-lib is found as  
regards, René

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