Things I already hate about Kubuntu (new user)

Mario Vukelic mario.vukelic at
Wed Dec 21 07:09:52 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 19:17 -0500, Felix Miata wrote:
> To not have it to start with means wasting time on an inefficient
> method of enabling installation before getting to where one should have
> been to start with.
> The CD I usually use for SuSE, Fedora or Mandriva is only about 70M or
> less, if I use any CD at all, just to boot, then install from network.

IMHO, these 2 statements are contradictory. Esp. since you complain
about not having mc when the network is not working. I doubt that the 70
MB net installer discs contain mc, and if you have no network, you can#t
get it either.

> And speaking of instructions, looking around I find unusable pages like
> that requires I
> reduce my font size about 40% just to get rid of a horizontal scroll so
> I might use the page, except that I can't read anything that's 40% smaller
> than my default.

Works with my normal font size in firefox, but you are right, if I
increase the size, it starts to scroll. Accessibility is a stated goal
of Ubuntu, and I would say that you should file a bug against the
website, but you already said you don't want to. 

> > And in Ubuntu's case, you need 1 command before that. This does not look
> > like a strong case for a wishlist bug :)
> I counted a whole bunch more than one. The wise don't edit files without
> first archiving the originals. So, first navigate to /etc/apt to figure
> out whether the applicable file is sources.conf or sources.list or
> something else (lots more than one step just here), then archive it,
> then edit it, then run update, then finally install, assuming no need 
> to fix networking first.

I've never backed up sources.list in 8 years of using Ubuntu and Debian
since replacement files are all over the web, but more power to you if
you are so diligent. But then, you would have done that -anyway- and so
it's not fair to count those steps. Fedora etc. also have a repository
definitions file that needs to be backed up by your standards.

Sure, that all is moot if you have no network up. As I said, wishlist

> If you count taking longer by a factor between 2 and 20 as just as well,
> that's fine for you, but when X doesn't work and network doesn't work, (etc.)

Put it in a wishlist bug :)

> and with 0 learning curve, and
> bunches faster.

Depends on your experience. I have used GNU/Linux for 10 years, and am
lost in mc.
> It wasn't a flame, it was a dose of reality. I can't help it if the
> truth hurts.

Heaps of knowledgeble users and sysadms switch to Ubuntu, so yes, it was
a flame. You need to get it in your head that not everyone has the same
requirements as you. I am familiar with the shell and could care less if
mc is included.

Regards, Mario

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