Thanks to all - but Ubuntu is for geeks

Gary Jarrel garyjarrel at
Wed Dec 21 05:47:53 UTC 2005

On 12/21/05, Scott <angrykeyboarder at> wrote:


> I don't mind saying it, so I will.  Microsoft gets quite a bit right,
> actually.  It took them forever to get there, but Windows XP is a solid
> OS that basically just "works".  It's not perfect, Internet Explorer is
> Security nightmare (but you don't have to use it).  But it's great for
> Multimedia and (in my experience) almost never crashes (unlike it's
> predecessors).
> But, it's not as customizable and tweakable (if that's a word) as Linux.
>   I just find Linux more fun (geek that I am).  And it's open source and
> free (as in "free beer").  So therefore, here I am....


I wouldn't say that comparing a distro such as Ubuntu to Windows is
such a good comparison. When I switched over about a year ago to
version 4.10 I think it took me about a day or so to have mu
multimedia system set up. Now, with an abundance of players such as
Totem, Mplayer and VLC well take you pick get the codecs and you can
play pretty much everything. I've even managed to get realplayer going
in Firefox (don't know what for though), but something I can't
remember working on my XP box.

Another point is how easy it is to determine a problem with a system.
/var/logs/messages has saved me hours. While "You system has performed
an illegal operation and will be shut down" well I wont go any

And just one more point, when was the last time someone managed to
upgrade a kernel on a Windows XP system. From Warty to Hoary to Breezy
and never formatted the machine until my HDD died.

Anyway, that my 5 cents.


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