Can't "see" Airport Wireless

Justin Tisserat JTListserv at
Wed Dec 21 05:21:17 UTC 2005

Thank you Chris, Markus, et all...

I had got as far as setting up the basic DHCP in the interfaces config 
file but didn't know that it was...

wireless_essid yournetworkname
wireless_key YOURKEY

... that needed to be added.  I found the network configuration tool in 
GNOME one of you had mentioned in a response to my question and was able 
to activate and use the Airport with WEP. I saw how making the changes 
thru the GUI affects the interfaces config file. I also found a line on 
the wpasupplicant package while searching thru the Ubuntu forums under 
the Gnome PPC forum. I've downloaded it and am reading thru the 

Thanks all for your help.

Best Regards,
- Justin

Chris Dawson wrote:

>I really like this program wifi-radar.  It uses the wifi tool set, but
>has a nice iterface for configuration of wifi access points.  It
>should work with any system that has a working wifi card.
>On 12/19/05, Markus Mitterhofer <markus.mitterhofer at> wrote:
>>>Assuming eth1 is the Airport card I suppose now its a matter of
>>>configuring it properly. I am not sure if Ubuntu supports WPA. Thats
>>>what I have set up here at home.
>> WPA is supported for some wireless chips. The Airport (orinoco, hermes
>> or whatever it's called) is not among them. You'll have to use WEP.
>> Put this in your /etc/network/interfaces
>> auto eth1
>> iface eth1 inet dhcp
>> wireless_essid yournetworkname
>> wireless_key YOURKEY
>> Or try directly with the program   iwconfig
>> iwconfig eth1 essid yournetworkname key YOURKEY
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