Ubuntu is under attack

Dick Davies rasputnik at gmail.com
Tue Dec 20 23:02:54 UTC 2005

On 20/12/05, Mike Bird <mgb-ubuntu at yosemite.net> wrote:

>  It could be root at localhost

My point is that this is as useful as /dev/null for most people,
except it fills /var..
> in the middle of the Sahara, myguru at support.firm for schools
> and busineses, or me at myisp.com for the techno cogniscenti.

If you set any of these up, you might as well set up an MTA
(by which I mean apt-get install a /usr/lib/sendmail alternative.
There is no need for SMTP, loopback or otherwise).

> This crusade against email

Incidentally, this kind of nonsense ('religious bigots', etc.) isn't
doing much to help your argument, either.

Rasputin :: Jack of All Trades - Master of Nuns

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