bloated setup?

Oliver Grawert ogra at
Tue Dec 20 16:32:29 UTC 2005

Am Dienstag, den 20.12.2005, 09:58 -0600 schrieb Charles Malespin:
> On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 10:20 +0530, (रेवंत) Revant Nandgaonkar wrote:
> > Also turn off the unnecessary start up services/daemons
> > from rcconf or bum.
> > 
> > (bum will also tell you why are the services running for)
> > 
> What are rcconf and bum?  Where are they and how do I change them?
> Tried man for both and it didnt have an entry.  Plus, I dont know which
> start up services or daemons to turn off cause I dont know which ones do
> what and if it might screw my system...
there is no real need to install either of them, the services-admin tool
is already there (in breezy at least)... 

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