Ubuntu is under attack

Vram lamsokvr at xprt.net
Mon Dec 19 22:57:04 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-20 at 07:42 +0900, Jan Moren wrote:
> sön 2005-12-18 klockan 15:10 +0000 skrev Graham:
> > On Sunday 18 December 2005 13:55, Michael P. Soulier wrote:
> > 
> > > I think we need a section in the Ubuntu Wiki. Here is what you should
> > > install, after the bare-bones install that you're provided on the CD.
> > > How about, HowToMakeUbuntuNotSuck.
> > 
> > Well, perhaps a loaded title, but not a bad idea, though why the CD 
> > can't come with a bare-bones KDE setup as well defeats me.  Ubuntu must 
> > be the only major distro not to do it.  Yes, I know you can do it by 
> > installing kubuntu-desktop, but KDE is not a minor suite, and like 
> > other distros, it should be at bootup as standard.
> Um, no. One basic giuding idea of Ubuntu has been to pick one
> alternative and do it really well. Not always followed perfectly to be
> sure, but it is a good idea. Ubuntu is at its heart a Gnome
> distribution; why not let it be so? Even a "bare-bones KDE" is big and
> would push out a _lot_ of other packages.
> If you want KDE, it's after all only one apt-get away, or you can
> install kubuntu instead.
> > The problem is (as I understand it), Ubuntu does NOT provide an 
> > interface with pure Debian packages.  Some work and others do not.  If 
> > the system was compatible with 100% pure Debian packages, there would 
> > be no problem with choice, and if Debian provided as good an installer 
> > as Ubuntu, there would be no need for Ubuntu as a stand-alone distro.  
> > We could all join forces around debian.org.
> Ubuntu is not intended to be compatible with Debian repositories. It
> really can't be fully compatible, given the different goals.
> By the way, the Ubuntu installer _is_ the Debian installer. 
> If you want Debian, use Debian. What's the point of trying to make
> Ubuntu into Debian when it already exists?


I love it!!!


> -- 
> Dr. Jan Morén (mr)              
> Japan:  090-3622 8920           jan.moren at lucs.lu.se
> Sweden: 031-360 7723            http://lucs.lu.se/people/jan.moren

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