laptop detection (was Re: dmesg broken)

Derek Broughton news at
Sun Dec 18 21:15:57 UTC 2005

Toby Kelsey wrote:

> Thilo Six wrote:
>> sudo update-rc.d -f hotkey-setup remove
>> This script tries to setup laptop keys, and causes this Problem.
>> search in forums and bugzilla you will find it there also.
> There are also other laptop-specific services I've had to disable
> manually for my desktop system, such as acpi-support and pcmcia.

acpi-support isn't laptop specific - you may still want suspend & hibernate
support, for instance.
> Can't Ubuntu detect whether the system is a laptop and not install/start
> them automatically?

I don't know why you'd have pcmcia - I don't and I _have_ a laptop.  I
suppose I may have removed it...

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