(still newbie) kernel compilation issues

Imre Tuske imre.tuske at gmail.com
Mon Dec 19 01:16:26 UTC 2005


A good thing that everyone must be interested in is that I managed to
do a kernel compile :)

But seriously. Now I got three things different from when booting the
"regular" kernel: there's no graphical boot (who cares), after boot I
get only a text-prompt login instead of the graphical login screen,
and the third one is the nvidia driver can't be started (after I log
in and type startx to launch X).

I wonder why X doesn't get started before login. I don't think it's
related to the non-working state of the nvidia driver -- it just
doesn't start at all.

I also don't know what to do about the nvidia driver, do I have to
install it again or something? (If it's a kernel module, then that
would be logical [as the custom kernel reads the modules from a
different directory], but so far I've checked the packages, and it
seems more like an X driver, but maybe I'm mistaken.)


[ Imre Tuske | http://... | mailto:imre.tuske at gmail.com ]

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