splash screen setup

Bas van Gils basvg at cs.ru.nl
Sun Dec 18 20:29:44 UTC 2005

Hi guys,

I was just playing with the themes that come with gnome. Changing background
image is easy, as is the gtk2 iconset and stuff. The splash screen was a bit
trickier I think. I managed to set the image with the "cofiguration editor".
when I log in now, I do get the correct splash screen icon but... I hate the

I found that I can set the color in /etc/gdm/gdm.conf . that changes it
globally. I think my wife still uses the default 'human' themes and the new
color that I selected doesn't look too nice with that theme. Is there a way to
set it locally? What am I missing here?



<Bas.vanGils at cs.ru.nl> - GPG Key ID: 2768A493  -  http://www.cs.ru.nl/~basvg
Radboud University Nijmegen Institute for Computing and Information Sciences

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