Ubuntu is under attack

Mike Bird mgb-ubuntu at yosemite.net
Sun Dec 18 07:43:34 UTC 2005

On Sat, 2005-12-17 at 22:04, Eric Dunbar wrote:
> This discussion is more appropriate on sounder (hint).

No.  This is important.

> I would suggest you stop and take a look at the following (crude)
> break down on page views for the past three months at DistroWatch

Irrelevant.  We're talking about recent changes that are harming
Ubuntu.  Fedora used to be up there until it did what Ubuntu is now

> Plus, Ubuntu is still _fully_ customisable, however, it is also
> becoming more ACCESSIBLE (one of Canonical's stated goals is
> accessibility) by becoming more usable.

What does the laudable goal of accessibility have to do with
our objections to hurting Ubuntu by removing Postfix and Mailx?

How does making it near impossible to create a new document
make Ubuntu more usable?  Have you reviewed that comments page?

> Perhaps you didn't experience the whole DOS vs. Mac war in the 1980s,
> so, to summarise: the computer "experts" (pundits) derided the Mac GUI
> for being simplistic, limiting, not keyboard controllable and simply
> not useful (whatever would you do with a MOUSE... drawing pictures?
> Use LOGO! Page layout? Only publishers need LinoTypes). What did
> Microsoft do the instant they cleared up the legal wranglings they had
> with Apple? Copy Mac's GUI down to the last letter (making some pretty
> bad mistakes in the process unfortunately). Why? Because GUI and
> simplicity WORKS.

Pulease.  I worked on the Xerox D-Lion which gave Apple the idea for the
Lisa which evolved into the Mac which, being dumbed down, lost 95%
market share to Windows, which was harder to use but not dumbed down.

Can we get back to our sheep now?  It would be really nice if Dapper's
mail system wasn't borked like Breezy's.

--Mike Bird

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