windowsXP Don't boot up!

David M. Carney carney1979 at
Fri Dec 16 05:22:38 UTC 2005

On Thursday 15 December 2005 14:24, 'Forum Post, ' 
> Try booting windows in safe mode, and give it some time, it might just
> be slow.
> --
> psusi

Windows wants to be on the first partition of the first drive or it won't 

So you have to fool it into thinking it is.

You need to do this in the Windows section of your grub conf:

title Windows
  map (hd0) (hd1)      # Tell the first hard drive to pretend to be the second
  map (hd1) (hd0)      # Tell the second hard drive to pretend to be the first
  root (hd1,0)      # Tell GRUB Windows is on /dev/hdb1(No pretending here)
  rootnoverify (hd1,0) # GRUB won't attempt to mount the Windows drive
  makeactive           # Sets the partition to active
  chainloader +1       # Tells GRUB to load the Windows bootloader when done

The parts after the # are comments and don't need to be in your grub conf. 
They just help to explain to you what's going on.


Registered Linux User #297958

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