this looks pretty cool, notification bubbles..

Brian Puccio brian at
Fri Dec 16 03:02:51 UTC 2005

On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 11:10 -0400, Derek Broughton wrote:
> otoh, I love the Outlook pop-up, which allows me to open an email message if
> I want, delete it unread, or just let it fade away to be dealt with next
> time I'm in the mail program.

I just got this as a new feature on the PCs at work (I'm just a user
there and it's a megacorp, so fat chance of them changing anything there
based upon my two cents) and while I do love that I can stay in word and
keep on typing unless I need to deal with the new email, I can imagine
it would suck if you were playing Quake or watching a movie (HTPC,
etc.). Again, this seems to be a "need to do it right, otherwise it will
annoy the users" thing.
                                                   brian at
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