Laser Printers suggestions? HP 2550 looks good, others?

wtautz wtautz at
Thu Dec 8 23:29:53 UTC 2005

Eric S. Johansson wrote:

> Walter Tautz wrote:
>> Ideally I would like a printer that can do auto-duplexing.
>> I print mostly black and white but since colour printers
>> are relatively cheap (I bet the toner cartriges are not
>> cheap ;-)) I thought it would be interesting to consider
>> them also.
> I'm using the brother 5170 dn.  But it will not work with the stock 
> drivers.  After many many months of working with brother, they have 
> given me beta drivers which work wonderfully.  I'm not thrilled with 
> the user interface putting the duplexer switch off in the never never 
> land of some configuration menu somewhere (i.e. it should be right on 
> the print dialog box you see when you hit the print button) but it's 
> better than nothing.  The workaround I am trying is creating to 
> printer drivers one with duplex, one without.
> in any case, it works really well now and if you want the reference to 
> the beta drivers, just send me e-mail.
>> Am I correct in thinking that native postscript printers
>> work under linux? I gather that finer control of the features
>> of the printer may, however, not be accessible?
> quite true.  I ran the 5170 as PostScript printer for a while when I 
> was desperate for any printer that worked off of my ubuntu box.
> --- eric
Thanks for the advice folks

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