Trash does not work across partitions

Phillip Susi psusi at
Thu Dec 15 17:04:05 UTC 2005

Of course mv works across partitions, it always has.  Obviously it is 
slower because it has to copy and delete rather than just rename, but it 

It sounds like nautilus thinks that the stuff in /home is on the same 
filesystem, and is trying to rename rather than copy+delete.  This 
confusion may be the result of your using a /home symlink.  Try actually 
mounting the other filesystem in /home instead of symlinking to it.  If 
that fixes it, then yes, I'd call this a bug in nautilus.

Tony Arnold wrote:
> I'd call it a limitation rather than a bug!
> As I understand it, Nautilus uses the 'mv' command to move files from
> their current directory to the Trash directory. mv within the same file
> system is very efficient as the file itself stays where it is
> physically. To implement mv accross paritition, one would have to copy
> the file and delete the old file with the risk of things going wrong
> part way through this process.
> Certainly in older Unixes, mv between paritions did not work. I've not
> tried it on more recent version of Linux.
> I guess one answer would be for Nautilus to keep a trash directory for
> each file system, and mv the file to there.

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