Flash on Breezy PPC

Scott J. Henson scotth at csee.wvu.edu
Thu Dec 15 03:22:18 UTC 2005

Brian Puccio wrote:

>On Thu, 2005-12-15 at 04:56 +0200, Eduard Grebe wrote:
>>Macromedia does not make available a flash player for Linux PPC. Does
>>anyone know of a way to view flash content in a mozilla based browser
>>such as firefox on Breezy PPC?
>There is a GPL flash player as well as plugin and it is a PPC binary
>available, but since I don't have a Mac, I can't tell you if it works or
It generally does not.  In my experience it actually makes things 
worse.  High CPU usage, crashy browser.  I had it installed for a while 
but eventually it was too much.  I mean it couldn't even play Strong Bad 
emails, so it had to go. 

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