Missing gnome special URIs?

Brian Puccio brian at brianpuccio.net
Thu Dec 15 02:47:37 UTC 2005

This won't be of much help, sorry.

On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 14:31 -0500, Phillip Susi wrote:
> I've been reading the gnome documentation on nautilus and it mentions 
> several special URIs including start-here:/// and system-settings:///, 
> only they don't seem to exist on ubuntu.  What gives?

I can confirm that they don't exist on my system either. Then again, I
never looked until now. An alternative for the start-here URI is System
-> Help. Also try online at http://help.ubuntu.com/

As for the system settings, See System -> Preferences and also System ->
Administration (most things under the former are user-specific and under
the latter are system wide and thus require you to sudo to root).
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