<mail> command missing?

Mike Bird mgb-ubuntu at yosemite.net
Wed Dec 14 18:01:07 UTC 2005

On Tue, 2005-12-13 at 23:37, Peter Garrett wrote:
> I noticed this too. I assume it's part of the "no servers by default"
> policy - if anyone knows whether that's right, please enlighten us.

Hopefully they'll stop dumbing down Ubuntu before they remove the X
server too.

Working local email is *essential* for fault-finding on desktop and
server systems unless you're going to rework how cron jobs work.

Wait!  Forget that last part.  We already have sudo and no mail.  Let's
not get any sillier.

Anyone from Kubuntu got your ears on?  Any hope of making Kubuntu a
saner alternative to Ubuntu?

--Mike Bird

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