hosting your own website

list.account at list.account at
Wed Dec 14 10:15:51 UTC 2005

> Am 14.12.2005, 07:52 Uhr, schrieb René <list.account at>:

> i got an own domain name and would like to host the website on my own
> machine. does anyone know a nice link with an easy understandable HOWTO?  
> best would be in german.
> AND is anybody willing to assist me - by mail dialog - as i guess there
> will be more than one question to reach that goal.

i just don't get the WHOLE picture yet !
the domain name is ready.
the IP is dynamic.
LAMP i do have installed (XAMPP).

now i should understand if the ISP excepts my private hosting. (>> email  
is out for questioning that)
if yes, i should set up an account at or
in this account i have to provide some (?) necessary information like  
DomainName and current IP.
thereafter i should make an automated update of the dynamic IP to the  
DNS-Provider. like Joeak said:
I update my dns every 4 hours using a crontab entry:
0 */4 * * * wget -O - --http-user=<youruserid> --http-passwd=<yourpwhere>  

but what i do next?
where do i let know Apache (and the computer system) about other (?)  
necessary settings?
and what are these settings?
are there UI's or GUI's i have to start, to enter these necessary  
and finally, where to put all the data of the website and it's startpage  

it is somewhat to much for me. therefore is was asking for a  
understandable step-by-step procedure (i did search the web but did not  
find anything valuable to me).

thanks if someone has enough patience to write a step-by-step catalogue.

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