Running Google Talk on ubuntu

'Forum Post ulist at
Wed Dec 14 07:24:46 UTC 2005

(रेवंत) Revant Nandgaonkar Wrote: 

> Instead use gaim-vv, its the gaim with voice and video, I build the
> deb's

> for it. but dont know where to upload them.


> revant


if you build a Gaim with Voice & Video 'Autopackage'
(, mike hearn might be able to help you host

my gaim is an autopackage and i refrain from using any non-autopackage
versions of gaim as much as possible, as they are usually outdated and
proprietary to their distributions.

so please don't use deb if possible, so tat our fedora, suse and
non-debian friends can use ur special-version gaim too. after all, the
official gaim is an autopackage also. or make a deb as an optional
bonus. *use autopackage.*


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