hosting your own website

Peter Lieverdink ubuntu at
Wed Dec 14 07:37:16 UTC 2005

Vram wrote:
> On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 08:24 +0100, list.account at wrote:
>>>Am 14.12.2005, 08:03 Uhr, schrieb Vram <lamsokvr at>:
>>>>On Wed, 2005-12-14 at 07:52 +0100, René wrote:
>>>>i got an own domain name and would like to host the website on my own
>>>>machine. does anyone know a nice link with an easy understandable  
>>>>HOWTO? best would be in german.
>>>Do you have a static IP????"
>>hello Vram
>>no, the IP i get via DHCP from the provider.
> It is hard, not impossible, to host a website on DHCP...
> Day to day your IP can change and people can't find you...
> If you want to have a 100% up website you need to contact your ISP and
> get a STATIC IP...
> Vram

Not really. Set up an account with and they can host your
domain for you, to be used with a dynamic IP. There are probably others
companies that can do the same thing for you.

Basically, when the IP changes, you notify dyndns and they update the
hostname record. it tends to have a 5 minuite timeout, so at worst
you'll be unreachable for 5 minutes.

- Peter.

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