"bounce" a nic in one command?

Senectus . senectus at gmail.com
Wed Dec 14 04:21:27 UTC 2005

I've just altered the IP settings for a NIC in a remote PC (from DHCP
to Static), I want to do an ifdown eth0 then an ifup eth0 but If I do
an ifdown I'll immediately lose my connection and not be able to get
back to it remotely.
So is there a was to automate the ifup eth0 ? a one line command maybe?
Ubuntu Breezy 5.10
  I will write on a huge cement block "By accepting this brick through
your window, you accept it as it is and agree to my disclaimer of all
warranties, express or implied, as well as disclaimers of all
liability, direct, indirect, consequential, or incidental, that may
arise from the installation of this brick into your building." - PJ

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