[_BIG_ mbox]Re: I can't seem to build pine on ubuntu the saga: now it's cc errors??

Joe(theWordy)Philbrook jtwdyp at ttlc.net
Tue Dec 13 23:55:58 UTC 2005

Hash: SHA1

It would appear that on Dec 13, Phillip Susi did say:

> It has been a long time since I used pine, but IIRC, I was using fetchmail to
> get the mail, the problem was that pine read()s in and parses the entire
> mailbox every time you open it.  That takes a LONG time with a 50 MB mailbox.
> I decided a long time ago that any mail reader worth a salt keeps a separate
> index file and memory maps the main mail file so it can handle arbitrarily
> large mailboxes with ease.
> Surely there has to be a command line mail reader that can do this?

I can't imagine leaving all that in a single file...

But if I had to, I'd remember that:

Pine likes to automatically cut dated monthly read-mail & sent-mail
storage files. (If you really must keep it all...) Which, if you (like I do) 
were to use vi or vim as an "alt" editor when composing something that
depends on some half remembered old text, it's easy to do a:

:! grep  $searchString $pathToArchiveFolder/*

To get the archive filename(s) to feed to a:

:! less $pathToArchiveFolder/$archiveFile

Where a 
/$searchString should index the relevant text for copy/pasting into the
current compose file when you close less...

And if you either let pine automatically move messages to read-mail And
rename the current file to the dated version every month. or do it
manually. etc... keeping the size of the mail file reasonable, it should
work fine. remember it's a mail "reader" not a data base.

I use pine because I like it's interface. and it works for me.

But Like I said, different strokes for different fokes... If you really
like having that many messages in one mail file, then for you I wouldn't
suggest pine...

But have a nice day.


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|   ~^~   ~^~
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